


Sunday Apr 19, 2020

Over the COVID-19 crisis, I'm publishing a weekly bulletin - XQQQS Me! - to explore what we can learn from this fast-tracked world of high performance we find ourselves in - and how we can apply it to creating great care over the longer term. Two editions were especially popular -leadership and motivation - so I've dropped them into a podcast. The motivation edition identifies six characteristics of staying motivated in tough times I've observed during the COVID-19 response - and explores how we can apply them to lead great care every day.
#covid19 #healthcare #leadership #humanservices #agedcare #leadershipdevelopment #qualitymanagement #clinicalgovernance

Wednesday Oct 09, 2019

In early 2019 Glenda Gorrie was looking forward to the next stage of her life, having 'retired' from full-time work at the end of 2018.
What she didn't expect was to be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. 
In this two-part conversation, we roam around her experience of person-centred care through the lens of Glenda's long clinical and policy-making experience with improving healthcare safety and quality.
Part 1 describes Glenda's early encounters with her care and treatment 'wrapped in person-centredness' that didn't last quite as long as she'd hoped! We discuss how organisational structures and systems can be a barrier to person-centred care, and how it's not only clinicians we need to be person-centred.  Lots of small tips and observations that add up to big and important messages about what's really important to the patient - and how you can find out more about what your consumers really want from your service. 
Music credit: Fred Kinck-Petersen, sourced from the WavePad sound library.

Monday Dec 31, 2018

Join the Cathys as we enjoy our tenth episode, including a special reading from Balding's new book The Point of Care - and musings on why we're not further ahead with the quality of care after all these years.  Plus - tips on shaking up your role for more satisfaction and effectiveness!

Sunday Dec 02, 2018

To make a powerful case for change, you need to know the components of a high performing quality system,  what it should be achieving, be able to demonstrate where your system sits in relation to that, and show the benefits for your consumers and organisation, to make a case for change.  If that sounds exhausting! - and you'd like a simple way to do this - read on.
After having more conversations about this than I can count, I’ve distilled my research and experience about what it takes for a quality system to drive great care into a One Page Quality System Performance Assessment Tool (QPAT).  If you don't have the tool, find it here.
This is something you and others in your organisation can complete in 5 minutes to make your case for change.  It’s a simple way to get the influencers and decision-makers on the same page about where you are and where you’d like to go in 2019, and helps you determine the more specific shifts you need to make to really focus on point of care.
The tool gives a snapshot of the key results an effective, mature quality system should be achieving. It’s a tool for clarifying what a high performing quality system looks like and developing a shared understanding in your organisation about the core components of an effective quality system; as well as your strengths and gaps; and what you need to do to get closer to great care for every consumer.

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